Organizing the Nest

My Closet ~ Overhauled

Back in January I cleaned out my closet and filled 2 garbage bags full of clothes...pretty good hey?  Ya well it's now March and I've cleaned it out again!! It's about 3 garbage bags full...CRAZY!! I think I might have a little addiction!!

I decided to be really cut-throat this time...why am I keeping these jeans that are too big (yeah me!!) because I'm NOT going back to that size ever again.  And why am I keeping these jeans that are too small right now and I'm not sure when I will fit them so off they go to the bye bye pile!! This gives me excuses to go shopping again when I get into that size!!

I am also changing my style a little here and there so some of the things in my closet don't really work with the look I'm going for (which I'm not sure really what that look is but it wasn't those pieces of clothing anyways). 

So here was my closet before...

And here it is now!!

So I started by taking EVERYTHING out of my closet and putting it all out on my bed.  Then I tried the pieces on that I wasn't sure about and started my "bye bye" pile - which was in the hallway and everything I wasn't keep I literally threw it into the hallway and said "bye bye" to it!! It was sort of fun!!

Then I adjusted the bars and shelving on my organizing unit to suit my needs a little better then started putting all the pieces back into the closet.  Now to make things look even more organized and esthetically pleasing I organized the closet by color.  I grouped all my greys together, blacks together, whites, etc...and this way it's easier to see what you have of every color (and by looking at my picture I really need to inject some color into my wardrobe) and it's easier to piece your outfits together!!

I've got all my tank tops in the basket on the shelf, my leggings and leg warmer/boot socks in the basket on the top shelf, my purses in one of the boxes on the top shelf and in the other box is some summer clothes that I kept and I will switch out some winter pieces when the time comes.  And in the box on the bottom of my closet are my shoes!! I'm hoping this will keep them all together and keep Owen and Preya from wearing them around the house and then I can't find them when I want to wear them (btw Owen can walk really well in high's a little scary!!)

Anyways, I'm loving my cleaned out closet and finding it so much easier to find things to wear!! And I feel good about the amount of clothes I said "bye bye" to!!

Do you have any closet organizing tips or before and after pictures?  I'd love to hear your tips and I'd love to see those pictures!!

April 14,2012

Another Closet Organized

I tackled another closet a few weeks ago ~ its just been so busy that I haven't had a chance to post it. But here it is!! This is the closet in my living room. I hated this closet because it was just a dumping ground. It's function was to hold coats, the vacuum, the mop, the broom, a shelf that had playdough toys on it, Wii games and controllers...ugh so many things in this closet and everytime I opened it I would quickly grab what I needed and then quickly shut the doors again so I didn't have to look at the disaster.

Here is the before....brace yourself

Scary right?! I thought so too...

So here's how I started. I cleared everything out and brought the coats downstairs to another closet that just has coats in it or put them in storage boxes for the next season etc. I got rid of things that have been in that closet that I didn't even know still existed.

I bought a really great drawer unit from a friend that is now my favorite thing in the whole world!! I've used so many different things in this closet to try to organize it and none of them did the trick like this new drawer unit!! So then I started filling the drawers and finding places for the things that I wanted or needed in this closet.

Are you ready to see the final product?

This is much better!! On the top shelf is now important documents etc, and baskets with lightbulbs & paper towels. I keep all my empty hangers from everyone's closets here because I fold the clean clothes in the living room so the hangers are close by when I need them. The vacuum, mop and broom are still in this closet (because I really have no where else for them to go) and then the drawers have a variety of things in them.

So now I don't mind so much opening the doors to this closet and it gives me a little bit of happiness in this crazy little nest of mine!!

Thanks for looking!!

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