Thursday, 8 March 2012

My Hot Escape

Now I wish I was talking about a hot escape to Cuba or Hawaii,like my best friend right now, but unfortunately with 5 kids that's just not in the cards right now.  So I'll have to settle with escaping to the bathroom in the morning for a hot shower.  It's probably one of the things I look forward to most in my day...sad isn't it?  It's maybe a little too hot, which I guess is the cause of my dry skin and the reason I need to moisturize with cream that is for extremely dry skin (but whatever), but it's my shower and my escape from everything for 10 whole minutes!!

I wait until everyone is either sitting at the table eating breakfast or I wait until they are done and busy getting dressed for school and watching Dora (of course) and then I sneak away and quickly close the door to the bathroom and start my shower!! The only downfall is, I don't lock the door for 2 reasons...Reason #1: sometimes I forget to grab something that I need for my shower, like the new body wash I just bought that is still sitting on the counter because for some reason I couldn't walk it to the bathroom as I was unpacking the grocery bags, or sometimes even my towel because I was in such a rush to sneak into the shower that I forgot it behind the door in my room.  Reason #2: the kids can still come in if they need something....which is sometimes a problem because then it really isn't an escape anymore :( I get play-by-plays from Preya every 2 minutes!! "Mom...Owen's standing on the table", "Mom...Isaac's laughing at me when I say 'Ah Boo'", "Mom...Stephen's not getting dressed for school", "Mom...Emily said that she likes purple but I like purple". 

Now the solution you would think would be to get up before everyone else is awake and get in the shower and then I could maybe even stretch my time in the shower to 15 minutes without interuptions, but I need as much sleep as I can get!! And if you think about's not an escape from the madness if there is no madness in the morning while they're all sleeping. 

"Never a dull a moment" :)  

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