Sunday 11 March 2012

Organizing My Nest

I'm on a mission to organize my house top to bottom!! There are all these little areas around the house that need some special attention and I know these small things will help make my life run a little smoother....I hope!!

Check out my "Organizing The Nest" tab to follow along on my mission to organize and simplify my life!!

Please feel free to share any tips you have...I LOVE a good organizing tip!!

Thursday 8 March 2012

My Hot Escape

Now I wish I was talking about a hot escape to Cuba or Hawaii,like my best friend right now, but unfortunately with 5 kids that's just not in the cards right now.  So I'll have to settle with escaping to the bathroom in the morning for a hot shower.  It's probably one of the things I look forward to most in my day...sad isn't it?  It's maybe a little too hot, which I guess is the cause of my dry skin and the reason I need to moisturize with cream that is for extremely dry skin (but whatever), but it's my shower and my escape from everything for 10 whole minutes!!

I wait until everyone is either sitting at the table eating breakfast or I wait until they are done and busy getting dressed for school and watching Dora (of course) and then I sneak away and quickly close the door to the bathroom and start my shower!! The only downfall is, I don't lock the door for 2 reasons...Reason #1: sometimes I forget to grab something that I need for my shower, like the new body wash I just bought that is still sitting on the counter because for some reason I couldn't walk it to the bathroom as I was unpacking the grocery bags, or sometimes even my towel because I was in such a rush to sneak into the shower that I forgot it behind the door in my room.  Reason #2: the kids can still come in if they need something....which is sometimes a problem because then it really isn't an escape anymore :( I get play-by-plays from Preya every 2 minutes!! "Mom...Owen's standing on the table", "Mom...Isaac's laughing at me when I say 'Ah Boo'", "Mom...Stephen's not getting dressed for school", "Mom...Emily said that she likes purple but I like purple". 

Now the solution you would think would be to get up before everyone else is awake and get in the shower and then I could maybe even stretch my time in the shower to 15 minutes without interuptions, but I need as much sleep as I can get!! And if you think about's not an escape from the madness if there is no madness in the morning while they're all sleeping. 

"Never a dull a moment" :)  

Monday 5 March 2012

I Blame Pinterest

So I know the blogging world has been around for quite awhile now but I've never really given it any thought and then this little website called Pinterest came into my life and with it came so many blogs...and now I'm addicted to Pinterest and to blogs!! I sneak a few minutes while Dora is on (and sometimes Dora is on back to back thanks to Netflix) and I check out what my friends have pinned on Pinterest and then I go check out some of my favorite blogs to see what's new in their world.

Thanks to these blogs and Pinterest I now have so many  ideas and projects that I "need" to do...and I have so much time on my hands with 5 kids that I will have to keep going onto Pinterest and these blogs everyday to make sure that I never run out of things to do!!

As I always say "never a dull moment "....

*Stephanie's warning...Pinterest can be addicting because it's so cool!!

I did it!!

Well I did it!!! I finally decided to start a blog!! I thought it would be a fun way to document the craziness, escape from the craziness (if there is such a thing), and share the craziness!!